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mini water and air pump|價格|東莞空氣兩用泵供貨商
mini water and air pump|價格|東莞空氣兩用泵供貨商

mini water and air pump|價格|東莞空氣兩用泵供貨商

mini water and air pump|價格|東莞空氣兩用泵供貨商 相關信息由 東莞德之頌電子科技發展有限公司提供。如需了解更詳細的 mini water and air pump|價格|東莞空氣兩用泵供貨商 的信息,請點擊 http://www.zgmflm.cn/b2b/mgbfz121.html 查看 東莞德之頌電子科技發展有限公司 的詳細聯系方式。



Desun Technology Development Company Limited. We are a company that specializes in efficient power supplies and brushless dc motor pumps. Our pumps are designed for long life and high efficiency and performs with low noise, no sparks and little vibration with stable speed. We have exported our products to Western Europe, North America, South America, South AsiaAustralia as well as domestic Chinese market. Our quality assurance backed-up with certificates from CE, FC, SGS, ISO FDA, UL, CSA, GS, TUV, FCC, LVD, EMC, SAA, PES, SEMKO, DEMKO, CCC and RoHS Directives, gives us the confidence to provide your company competitive pumps and power supplies for your products and projects. Strong technology support such as design and research, high quality product management and after-sales service are our main investment in the business. We believe that through “Hard work and Honesty” we can provide satisfaction and to our customers and gain their cooperation. As a well known Chinese expression "Mutually beneficial" - we strive provide our customers with a win-win situation. With our vision to be recognized as a world class supplier of MINI Pumps and Power-supplies; our philosophy is always to keep our customers first and to never stop improving.
詳細信息 我也要發布信息到此頁面
特性: 1. 使用壽命: 正常情況下約為30000小時。 2.低噪音: ≤35dB, 1米 距離處。 3. 工作性能: 可連續24小時不間斷工作,盡量避免泵體內無水工作防止干磨,使泵內元件磨損。 4. 工作環境: 室內外使用均可,周圍環境溫度不可超過40攝氏度。 5.水泵工作溫度:75攝氏度以內。 6. 此款水泵為黑色。可以水陸兩用。 7. 此款水泵是我們新開發產品,可長期間潛在水中使用。工作周期:可{yt}24小時連續工作,水泵無絲毫性能變化。 此款水泵專為熱水循環系統, 咖啡機, 熱水壺, 小型噴泉設計, 也可用于水族,沐足,沐浴盆,動植物飲水設備,家用飲水機,潔具沖洗,桌上噴泉等. 水泵性能:運行平穩,無振動,超低噪音,無干擾,安全環保,功耗低效率高,外觀精美小巧,輕便。我司可根據客戶的不同功能要求提供過壓保護,過流保護,過熱保護,干抽保護,信號顯示,調速,太陽能軟啟動等一系列的功能。所有功能可根據您的需求定做。 8. 我司水泵都可根據客戶的不同技術參數和功能要求定做,以下所提供參數僅是一小部分作為參考, 更多參數要求可與我司聯系進行了解。 Features: 1. Life: about 30,000 hours under normal conditions. 2. Low noise: ≤35dB, 1 meter distance. 3. Performance: continuous 24 hours a day, try to avoid the pump body working to prevent dry grinding dry, so the pump component wear. 4. Working environment: indoor and outdoor use can be, the ambient temperature must not exceed 40 degrees Celsius. 5. Pump Operating temperature: 75 degrees Celsius or less. 6. This section is black pumps. Can be amphibious. This section pumps is our new product development, potential water use for a long period. Duty cycle: 24 hours a day of continuous work, the performance of the pump without the slightest china mini water and air pump|價格|東莞空氣兩用泵供貨商
鄭重聲明:產品 【mini water and air pump|價格|東莞空氣兩用泵供貨商】由 東莞德之頌電子科技發展有限公司 發布,版權歸原作者及其所在單位,其原創性以及文中陳述文字和內容未經(企業庫www.zgmflm.cn)證實,請讀者僅作參考,并請自行核實相關內容。若本文有侵犯到您的版權, 請你提供相關證明及申請并與我們聯系(qiyeku # qq.com)或【在線投訴】,我們審核后將會盡快處理。
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