專業生產銷售:老化房,恒溫老化房,高溫老化房,烘房,燒機房,可程式恒溫恒濕試驗箱,高低溫交變濕熱試驗箱,快速溫度變化試驗箱 冷熱沖擊試驗箱,溫濕度振動綜合試驗箱,無氧化干燥箱系列,老化箱,高溫箱,烘箱,電熱鼓風干燥箱,老化車,步入式恒溫恒濕試驗室,無塵車間,LCD/ITO專用烘箱,chamber,burn-in room,aging room,老化柜.生產輸送線,老化線,跌落試驗機,按鍵耐磨測試機,生鮮儲藏冷庫,凈化隔離車間,彩鋼板辦公室規劃隔離,施工護欄。
杉野工業設備(深圳)有限公司是一家專業研發、生產和銷售:老化試驗設備、高低溫環境試驗設備 、恒溫恒濕檢 測設備、自動化工業制程設備、超聲波清洗設備、生產流水線、噴涂裝配線、輸送線及生產附屬材料的生產型企業 。
杉野工業本著“質量第 一,信譽至上,至誠至信,至善至美”的經營理念,專門為軍工電子、光電 顯 示技術、微 電子、電力、通 信 技術、石油化工、高等院校、科研、醫藥醫療、食品加工等行業設計生產及服務整套工業生產及試驗設備,我們將以品質優良的產品,合理的價格,優質快捷的售后服務,想客戶之所想,為您的產品品質保駕 護 航,與客戶并肩前行,共同發展!
Shiny industrial equipment (shenzhen) co., LTD is a professional research and development, production and sales: aging test equipment, high and low temperature environment test equipment, constant temperature and humidity testing equipment, industrial process automation equipment, ultrasonic cleaning equipment, production lines, spray assembly line, transmission line and ancillary materials production of production-oriented enterprises.
Shiny industry in line with \"quality first, credit first, The good faith first, Perfect service\" business philosophy, dedicated to military electronics, photoelectric display technology, microelectronics, power, communications technology, petrochemical industry, institutions of higher learning, scientific research, medicine, medical treatment, food processing and other industries design and manufacture and service of a complete set of industrial production and testing equipment, we will be quality products, reasonable prices, high quality and quick after-sale service, want to think of the client, the escort for your product quality, and family along with customers and common development!