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TP7防爆安全溫度計(THERMO)Thermoprobe TP7-C型 TP5升級 方便型
TP7防爆安全溫度計(THERMO)Thermoprobe TP7-C型 TP5升級 方便型
TP7防爆安全溫度計(THERMO)Thermoprobe TP7-C型 TP5升級 方便型
TP7防爆安全溫度計(THERMO)Thermoprobe TP7-C型 TP5升級 方便型
TP7防爆安全溫度計(THERMO)Thermoprobe TP7-C型 TP5升級 方便型
TP7防爆安全溫度計(THERMO)Thermoprobe TP7-C型 TP5升級 方便型

TP7防爆安全溫度計(THERMO)Thermoprobe TP7-C型 TP5升級 方便型

TP7防爆安全溫度計(THERMO)Thermoprobe TP7-C型 TP5升級 方便型 相關信息由 廈門市杰聯儀器設備科技有限公司提供。如需了解更詳細的 TP7防爆安全溫度計(THERMO)Thermoprobe TP7-C型 TP5升級 方便型 的信息,請點擊 http://www.zgmflm.cn/b2b/xmjielian.html 查看 廈門市杰聯儀器設備科技有限公司 的詳細聯系方式。



詳細信息 我也要發布信息到此頁面


         TP7采用RTD設計,密封覆蓋的工業質量給用 戶提供了一個容易用手套操作的界面。不銹鋼外 殼保護電路板和液晶屏,防止遭受水等液體滲透 的影響。

         TP7電路板是從高度jq、可靠及 成功的TL1實驗室溫度計一步步演變而來。電源 按鈕的主要功能是提供儀器上次按觸后約20分鐘 的電量, 為了忍受環境以及內在的安全,制造TP9的 材料都是既能防止石化產品的腐蝕,又能夠防 爆。外殼由不銹鋼制成。探頭的構造使用不粘電 纜和不銹鋼傳感器組件。

·         {zd0}尺寸:34.3×18.4×11.4 cm ?

·         總重量:配有23m電纜的質量為1.4千克?

·         電池類型:9V堿性電池

·         電池壽命:約50小時

·         電池工作溫度范圍:-20℃~54℃(注:當環境溫度高于54℃或低于4℃,電池將不能充分供電) ?

·         表殼材質:聚丙烯共混材料,不銹鋼和鋁?

·         保質期:探頭90天,其它元件1年?

·         內置鉑電阻的不銹鋼傳感器外有防靜電電纜套管,芳綸纖維加強了抗切割和耐碎性。?

·         電纜采用碳氟化合物,如FEP、PFA或相似材料作為絕緣材料?

·         溫度:溫度范圍:-10℃~188℃(14℉~370℉),分辨率:0.1℃,校正后精度:32℉~200℉±0.2℉;200℉~300℉±0.5℉,0℃~100℃±0.1℃;100℃~150℃±0.3℃,長期jq度漂移不超過 0.05%/年?

·         符合API要求

·         安全等級:II 2 (1) EEx ib[ia] IIB T4








密閉輸送,庫存,儲罐,管道,駁船,船舶,鐵路槽, 油罐車(推薦操作:API7,油輪和油碼頭安全指南)




 The TP9 employs the proven RTD design that has been used in the TP7 and TP8 for many years. A sealed industrial quality overlay provides a user interface that is easy to use with gloves. A stainless steel enclosure protects the circuit board and large LCD from penetration by impact, water and reactive liquids.

The new TP9 circuit board is an evolutionary step up from our highly accurate, reliable and successful TL1 laboratory thermometer. The Power Buttons primary function powers the instrument for intervals of about 20 minutes since the last button was accessed. The Power Button can also be used to conserve power and clear the memory, or to make adjustment while in calibration mode. A simple menu operation is displayed by holding the Function Button, and alternately functions to allow adjustments in the calibration mode. Arrows on the left side of the display show the direction of the temperature reading and whether stability has been reached. At the users discretion stabilized temperatures can be logged at numerous liquid levels for a running average and later displayed for the users documenting purposes. But this feature never interferes with simply getting an accurate temperature reading.

To endure the environment and be intrinsically safe, the TP 9 is manufactured of materials, which are both immune to petrochemicals and are non-sparking. The enclosure is made of stainless steel. The probe assembly is constructed using non-stick cable and stainless steel sensor components.



 Maximum Dimensions: 10L x 4.25H x 6.4 W

 Probe: 304 Stainless Steel, Sealant, Aramid Fiber Reinforced, FEP or PFA Cable Jacket, Coaxial Construction

 Enclosure Material: Stainless Steel  Acetal (Delrin) Probe Holder Polyvinylchloride Faceplate

 Batteries: 2 AA Alkaline; Battery Life of approximately 200 hours Battery manufacturers battery operating temperatature range -4 to 130°F, -20 to 54°C

Note: Battery may not provide adequate power if ambient temperature is extremely low or high.

 Temperature: Resolution 0.01

Range: -40 to +400°F

-40 to +204°C

Calibrated Accuracy:

±0.2°F from 32 to 200°±0.5°F from 200 to 400°F

±0.1°C from 0 to 100°±0.3°C from 100 to 200°C 4 Point NIST Traceable Report of Test

Long-term drift not to exceed 0.05%/year

Meets API requirements


 Easily replaceable AA Batteries, provides an estimated *200 hours


Circuit logic automatically indicates low battery condition, automatically shuts off after twenty minutes, shows temperature trend and stabilization, displays error codes for failure determination.

The low power backlight for night operation is photo sensor controlled for convenience and battery conservation.

In nighttime conditions the backlight illuminates the display.

Celsius or Fahrenheit units with C/F indication can be easily selected from the Function Button.

User Manual explains intuitive calibration procedure that can be done through the external faceplate buttons.



 Custody Transfers, Inventory, Tank, Pipeline, Barge, Ship, Railcar, Tank Truck. (Recommended Operation: API 7, Intl. Safety Guide For Oil Tankers and Terminals.)

Other Applications: Proving Systems (API 4)

Materials: All petrochemicals, caustic, acid, alkalies, powders. Molasses, syrups, distilled spirits.

鄭重聲明:產品 【TP7防爆安全溫度計(THERMO)Thermoprobe TP7-C型 TP5升級 方便型】由 廈門市杰聯儀器設備科技有限公司 發布,版權歸原作者及其所在單位,其原創性以及文中陳述文字和內容未經(企業庫www.zgmflm.cn)證實,請讀者僅作參考,并請自行核實相關內容。若本文有侵犯到您的版權, 請你提供相關證明及申請并與我們聯系(qiyeku # qq.com)或【在線投訴】,我們審核后將會盡快處理。
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