圓刀模切機廠家 深圳模切機制造商
使用高品質的{yj}磁鐵和優質鋼材,經特殊工藝加工而成。輥體可以重復使用,不同的產品只需要更換對應的柔性刀皮即可。廣泛應用于印刷標簽行業,與其它類刀具相比,交貨期短、價格便宜,適用于小批量生產,是客戶經濟的選擇。Made by high quality permanent magnets and high quality steel, treated by special process, roller body can be repeated use, replace the flexible cover if the products are changed, it is widely used in printing label, compared with other kind of cutting tool, this tool is shorter delivery time, cheaper price, it is economic choice for small batch production .
.哈德勝精密科技|||圓刀模切機廠家 深圳模切機制造商