摘 要:用純電路實現的多功能脈沖zl儀,主要由時序分頻器集成電路IC(CD4060與電容和電阻組成的震蕩分頻器、由時序分頻器集成電路IC(CD4060與電阻R1-R8組成三角波電路、脈沖選擇放大器、升壓電路以及電極組成。脈沖zl儀采用頻率、節律和振幅不斷變化的復合波,模擬中醫的按摹、推拿,zl時隨著電脈沖信號的變化患部肌肉會產生不斷抽動,從而改善人體鎮痛、調整內臟功能、提高機能狀態,臨床運用較多,副作用較小,深受大家寵愛。
The multifunctional impulsive therapeutic apparatus
Abstract:The multifunctional impulsive therapeutic apparatus mostly be made up of oscillation frequency divider 、triangular waving circuit、impulsing selective amplifier、boosting circuit and electrode.Oscillation frequency divider include sequential frequency divider integrated circuit(IC(CD4060))、capacitance and resistance.Triangular waving circuit is made up of sequential frequency divider integrated circuit(IC(CD4060))and resistance(R1-R8).
with usage of the complex which changes continually in frequency、amplitude and rhythm impulsive therapeutic apparatus imitate the massage and manipulation.During the treatment,the changments of the signal of electrical impulse lead to muscular spasm in the affected part.in this way,impulsive therapeutic apparatus can relieve pain ,regulate splanchnic function and improve functional condition.It have more clinical utilize and fewer side effects,so,impulsive therapeutic apparatus are very popular.
電話:17701694202 王經理
電話:17701844202 潘經理
電話:17701867188 徐經理
電話:18917989515 武經理