鄭州嵩山礪風新材料有限公司專業生產砂布,砂帶,陶瓷砂帶SG881 鋯剛玉砂帶PYZ533 堆積磨料砂帶DA712 DA718 水磨煅燒砂帶BXN61 白色涂層軟布BJN31S BJM35S 煅燒中軟布紅砂BJN31 碳化硅軟布BJC122 ,并能夠按照客戶要求制作各種尺寸砂帶。本公司榮獲國家發明專利授權“堆積磨料、堆積磨料砂帶制造方法”(專利號:ZL201210240750.7 & ZL201210240753.0)。本公司也可承接砂布貼牌加工業務。電話微信:13838313345
BJN31,中軟布, P60-P1000,柔軟性產品,特殊磨料制作,用于不銹鋼、鈦合金等材料的加工。wq可以代替:TJ538等產品
Used for polishing stainless steel and titanium alloy
BJN31S, 中軟布, P60-P1000,柔軟性產品,特殊磨料制作,表面有超涂層,防止堵塞,特適用于鋁鎂合金、鋅合金等。也可應用于不銹鋼、鈦合金等材料的加工。wq可以代替:TJ538 J64等產品!
Flexible, with anti-fill-up Zinc Stearate coating,Used for soft metal such as aluminum,And Zinc alloy. Also for polishing stainless steel and titanium alloy。
BJM35, 中軟布, P60-P400,柔軟性產品,氧化鋁材質,用于鋁合金、鋅合金等材料的加工。也可用于木材及一般金屬的柔性拋磨。
Used for polishing stainless steel and titanium alloy.And for polishing irregular surface of wood and normal metal。
BJM35S, 中軟布, P60-P400,柔軟性產品,氧化鋁材質,表面有超涂層,防止堵塞,特適用于鋁鎂合金、鋅合金等。
Flexible, with anti-fill-up Zinc Stearate coating,Used for soft metal such as aluminum,And Zinc alloy. Also for polishing stainless steel and titanium alloy。
BJA32,軟布, P60-P400,柔軟性產品,氧化鋁材質,適合不規則面加工,用于木材及一般金屬的柔性拋磨。
Flexible, suitable for polishing irregular surface of wood and normal metal。
BJC122,軟布, P60-P1000柔軟性產品,碳化硅材質,適合不規則面加工,用于銅鋁有色金屬、木材、塑料、石材的柔性拋磨。
Flexible, suitable for polishing irregular surface of wood, plastic, stone and nonferrous metal such as copper and aluminum。
BXN61,硬布, P60-P400,特殊磨料制作,耐熱、耐水、耐油。適宜用于不銹鋼拉絲及加工。
Coated with special abrasive grit, heat-proof, water-proof, oil-proof and anti-wear, suitable for making wide abrasive belt and stainless steel wire drawing and processing。
BXA61,硬布, P60-P400,耐水,適合于一般金屬和木材加工。
Water-proof, suitable for grinding wood and normal metal。