我司專門從事飾品行業生產與批發,坐落于美麗繁華的國際化大都市——廣州番禺。本公司設計的每一款產品的精雕細琢都融合國際時尚元素和{jd0}時尚設計理念,以其簡約而不失高貴、經典而不失時尚的設計風格和精湛的制作工藝,深得廣大客戶的喜愛。主要專注經營:戒指/指環 項鏈/吊墜/毛衣鏈 手鏈/手鐲 耳環/耳釘 胸花/手機吊墜等等。為你提供直銷的流行款式,價格實惠的xjb{zg}的飾品,不求價格{zd1},只求xjb{zg}。本公司秉承“顧客至上,質量{dy}”的經營理念。本公司有嚴格的管理機制,品種齊全、質量上乘、價格合理、交貨準時,贏得國內、外客戶的良好口碑。免除了你進貨時的奔波勞累,為你節省了進貨的時間和各項開支,我們的產品100%實物拍攝,所有的產品都是經過專業的質檢員工檢查后再發貨。 誠信為本、質量至上、互惠合作將與廣大客戶開辟一片新的藍天。
Our company specializes in the production and wholesale of jewelry industry, located in the beautiful and prosperous international metropolis - Panyu, Guangzhou. The company's design of each product carefully carved into the integration of international fashion elements and cutting-edge fashion design concepts, with its simple but noble, classic and fashionable design style and exquisite production process, won the favor of customers. Mainly focus on business: ring / Ring Necklace / Pendant / sweater chain bracelet / bracelet earrings / ear nail Brooch / mobile phone pendant and so on. To provide you with direct sales of popular styles, affordable price-performance ratio of the highest jewelry, not the lowest price, only the highest cost-performance ratio. Our company follows the business philosophy of "customer first, quality first". The company has a strict management mechanism, complete varieties, high quality, reasonable price, punctual delivery, won the good reputation of domestic and foreign customers. It saves you time and expenses. Our products are photographed 100% in kind. All the products are inspected by professional quality inspectors and then shipped. Honesty, quality first, mutual benefit and cooperation will open up a new blue sky with our customers.