Properties: 性能
abrasion-resistant 耐磨
notched impact strength 缺口沖擊強度
rigid 堅韌
flexible at low temperature 低溫柔韌
good resilience 回彈性好
flexural strength 曲折強度
elastic 彈性
durable 耐用
can be combined with other materials.可與其他材料混合
Hardness: 55 Shore A to 74 Shore D.硬度:55A-74D
More functional through Elastollan: multi-component parts More economic production. Elastollan can be combined with engineering plastics to optimise the performance of the finished product. Over-moulded products enable more efficient production by reducing and simplifying production processes.
ELASTOLLAN能夠與多種工程塑料共混, 達到優化產品性能, 簡化加工過程的目的. Handles, for example for power tools, are given a better feel and become less easily soiled, with soft, scratchproof coverings of Elastollan.
例如工具手柄, ELASTOLLAN能夠提供舒適手感, 防污, 防刮擦的特性.
Able to take continuous loading, abrasion-resistant and sound-damping: Elastollan roller tyres for conveyor systems and shopping trolleys.用于傳送系統(扶梯,手推車)的輪子:持續負重, 耐磨, 消音.
Elastollan sieve elements provide long term wear and resistance to abrasion for screening of abrasive sharp-edged bulk materials. 礦篩:承受各種堅硬, 鋒利物料的長期磨損.
Swimming pool cleaner. The flexible, serrated Elastollan cleaning disc faithfully follows all contours of the pool, is resistant to abrasion and chlorinated water.泳池清洗器: 耐磨, 耐含氯水.