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Autoclave Engineers安全閥20RVP9072
Autoclave Engineers安全閥20RVP9072

Autoclave Engineers安全閥20RVP9072

Autoclave Engineers安全閥20RVP9072 相關信息由 信德邁科技(北京)有限公司提供。如需了解更詳細的 Autoclave Engineers安全閥20RVP9072 的信息,請點擊 http://www.zgmflm.cn/b2b/xindemai.html 查看 信德邁科技(北京)有限公司 的詳細聯系方式。



信德邁科技(北京)有限公司成立于2007年,朝陽區,擁有自營進出口權。公司產品應用于機床加工中心、工業機器人、造紙-印刷-食品-包裝-紡織、半導體IC-風力發電-太陽能-光伏、橡膠-塑料-輪胎、冶金、汽車、機械工程、石油機械等行業。公司提供的產品應用遍及各種行業,產品擁有高度的jq性和可靠性,高品質的自動化元件和系統為顧客提供最完善的解決方案。公司成立十年來與以下各大國際公司結成了戰略合作伙伴關系,負責在中國的銷售,技術服務與維修中心。我們將攜手{dj0}國際公司一起為中國的客戶提供更優質的產品,更完善的服務與技術支持! 我們提供的產品服務類別包括流體控制及輸送產品、自動化元件和系統、儀器儀表、流量及控制類儀表和電氣連接件產品。 我們所代理的品牌有美國杜博林Deublin旋轉接頭,OPW流體運輸產品,派克漢尼汾Parker Hannifen接頭,Snap-Tite快換接頭,eaton Hansen快速接頭,Autoclave Engineer超高壓閥,Murphy儀器儀表,Dynalco控制儀表,Barksdale控制儀表,Sendx傳感器,Universal Flow Monitors液體流量計,NuFlo流量計,KURZ Instruments熱式氣體質量流量計,ABB_Thomas & Betts通貝低壓電氣產品,Furse防雷接地產品。
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現貨Autoclave Engineers安全閥20RVP9072

Relief Valve, RVP Series - 75,000 PSI | #20RVP9072

Parker Autoclave's RVP Series relief valves provide reliable venting of gases for set pressures from 3,000 psi (206 bar) to 75,000 psi (5171 bar). The valve’s metal seat design provides shut-off of liquids and gases to commercial standards.


Technical Specifications
Maximum Operating Temperature (C): 204
Maximum Working Pressure (Bar): 1379
Maximum Operating Temperature (F): 400
Maximum Working Pressure (psi): 20000
Inlet Connection Size: SF562CX
Outlet Connection Size: 3/4" NPT
Orifice Size: 0.156" inch, 3.96 mm
Materials of Construction: 316 Stainless Steel
Minimum Operating Temperature: -252 °C, -423 °F
Maximum Operating Pressure: 20000 psi, 1379 bar
Autoclave Engineers Medium to High Pressure Metal Seat Relief Valve - RVP
Parker Autoclave Engineers Metal Seat Relief Valve - RVP
Manufacturer Parker
Part Number 20RVP9072
Metal-Seat Relief Valve

SKU: 20RVP9072 Categories: Parker Autoclave Engineers, AE Relief Valves Tags: Parker Autoclave Engineers, Relief Valves

Parker Autoclave's RVP Series relief valves are designed with a metal seat design for reliable venting of gases at set pressures from 3,000 psi (206 bar) to 75,000 psi (5171 bar). The operating temperature range is -423°F (-252°C) to 400°F (204°C).These precision relief valves are designed for thermal expansion or low volume relief applications at high pressures where flow is not critical. Thus, liquid curves for these models are not shown in the catalog

Parker Autoclave can supply various inlet and outlet connections on special order. A high temperature option is also available for temperatures to 750°F (399°C) for RVP models. To specify high temperature option: Add suffix “HT” for 750°F (399°C) high temperature option.

1. AE relief valves are preset and factory sealed. Warranty is voided if seal is broken by customer.
2. Maximum system operating pressure should not exceed 90% of relief valve set pressure.


? Oil and Gas
? Petrochemical
? Chemical
? Research

? Standard models of Relief Valves are constructed of 316 stainless steel with selected components made of anti-galling stainless steel material for optimum economy and ruggedness.
? Designed with 3/8” and 5/16” Parker Autoclave high pressure inlet connections. The outlet connection on all models is a female 3/4” NPT. While adapters to other sizes and connection types are available, they must be sized for specific flow requirements.
? Orifice diameters range from .062 (1.57mm) to .312” (7.92mm).
? Designed to open as a function of increasing system pressure. Proper spring selection assures repeatability of opening, full lift and flow, and reseat pressures.
? Materials engineering and stringent quality control procedures combine to assure the highest quality, reliability and service life. Each valve is preset and factory sealed to ensure proper valve operation.
? Unique seat construction plus over-the-nozzle guiding and proper selection of materials permits standard set pressures to 75,000 psi. (5171 bar)
? Designed to provide bubble tight shut off of gases.
? Engineered to perform with fewer basic components, RVS valves facilitate minimum stocking of spare parts and ease of maintenance
? Available with CE Mark. SOG option available upon request.

? Pressure Gas Systems
? Cryogenic systems
? Steam Handling Systems
? Medium Pressure Fluid Handling Systems


Autoclave Engineers 20RVP9072-CE 接頭 Male to Female Adapters Male-to-Female Adapters join female connections with other size tubing or pipe. 自從1945年創建以來,Parker Autoclave Engineers專業制造能夠在各種極端溫度、壓力和環境變化條件下安全可靠地工作的高壓閥門系統。如今Parker Autoclave Engineers是為高壓應用行業提供值得信賴的高壓閥門、接頭和管材。Parker Autoclave Engineers的閥門、接頭和管材一起在超過100000PSI(6895Bar)的壓力條件下可靠運行的性能而聞名業界,同時也可為額定壓力15000PSI(1034BAR)的應用提供低壓管路。利用單卡套壓力襯套確保使用方便且無泄漏,提供1/16至1/2英寸的連接尺寸。Since 1945 Parker Autoclave Engineers has designed and built premium quality valves, fittings and tubing. Parker Autoclave Engineers 10V and SW series needle valves are designed for operation to 15,000 psi (1,034 bar). Along with their many features these valves provide dependable and trouble free service in wide variety of applications. 性能參數:  ? Available in/or combinations of low, medium and high-pressure series. ? One piece design available ? Connection sizes are 1/8",1/4", 5/16", 3/8", 1/2", 9/16", 3/4", and 1". ? Fittings manufactured from cold worked 316 stainless steel. ? Operating temperatures from -423°F (-252°C ) to 1200°F (649°C). ? Available in special materials. BENEFITS Parker Autoclave Engineers valves are used in many applications such as the chemical/petrochemical, research, and oil and gas industries. The Autoclave low pressure line utilizes a single ferrule compression sleeve design for fast and easy installation. These valves are complemented by a complete line of fittings, tubing and accessories. Autoclave Engineers 20MFAJ16M9 接頭

Male to Female Adapters

Male-to-Female Adapters join female connections with other size tubing or pipe.


自從1945年創建以來,Parker Autoclave Engineers專業制造能夠在各種極端溫度、壓力和環境變化條件下安全可靠地工作的高壓閥門系統。如今Parker Autoclave Engineers是為高壓應用行業提供值得信賴的高壓閥門、接頭和管材。Parker Autoclave Engineers的閥門、接頭和管材一起在超過100000PSI(6895Bar)的壓力條件下可靠運行的性能而聞名業界,同時也可為額定壓力15000PSI(1034BAR)的應用提供低壓管路。利用單卡套壓力襯套確保使用方便且無泄漏,提供1/16至1/2英寸的連接尺寸。Since 1945 Parker Autoclave Engineers has designed and built premium quality valves, fittings and tubing. Parker Autoclave Engineers 10V and SW series needle valves are designed for operation to 15,000 psi (1,034 bar). Along with their many features these valves provide dependable and trouble free service in wide variety of applications.




  ?Available in/or combinations of low, medium and high-pressure series.

?One piece design available

?Connection sizes are 1/8",1/4", 5/16", 3/8", 1/2", 9/16", 3/4", and 1".

?Fittings manufactured from cold worked 316 stainless steel.

?Operating temperatures from -423°F (-252°C ) to 1200°F (649°C).

?Available in special materials.


BENEFITS Parker Autoclave Engineers valves are used in many applications such as the chemical/petrochemical, research, and oil and gas industries. The Autoclave low pressure line utilizes a single ferrule compression sleeve design for fast and easy installation. These valves are complemented by a complete line of fittings, tubing and accessories.
鄭重聲明:產品 【Autoclave Engineers安全閥20RVP9072】由 信德邁科技(北京)有限公司 發布,版權歸原作者及其所在單位,其原創性以及文中陳述文字和內容未經(企業庫www.zgmflm.cn)證實,請讀者僅作參考,并請自行核實相關內容。若本文有侵犯到您的版權, 請你提供相關證明及申請并與我們聯系(qiyeku # qq.com)或【在線投訴】,我們審核后將會盡快處理。
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