湛江不銹鋼橋梁護欄 中山河道河堤河面防護欄桿
Stainless steel bridge guardrail in Zhanjiang
具有白、藍、紅、綠等多種顏色,色彩 艷麗、裝飾性強。
With white, blue, red, green and other colors, colorful, decorative strong.
It can be combined with other material guardrails.
在高溫下使用不褪色、耐腐蝕、 高強度、不生銹,美觀典雅。
It can be used in high temperature without fading, corrosion resistance, high strength, no rust, beautiful and elegant.
Ensure no fading and aging for a long time.
The bridge channel safety railings are connected by connecting bolts.