The NP1045G uses Shield Gate Trench technology
that is uniquely optimized to provide the most efficient
high frequency switching performance. Both conduction
and switching power losses are minimized due to an
extremely low combination of RDS(ON) and Qg. This
device is ideal for high-frequency switching and
synchronous rectification.
General Features
VDS =100V,ID =45A
RDS(ON)(Typ.)=14.0m? @VGS=10V
RDS(ON)(Typ.)=18.5m? @VGS=4.5V
Excellent gate charge x RDS(on) product(FOM)
Very low on-resistance RDS(on)
150 °C operating temperature
100% UIS tested
Synchronus Rectification in DC/DC and AC/DCConverters
Industrial and Motor Drive applications
1 工業領域:步進馬達驅動,電鉆工具,工業開關電源
2 新能源領域:光伏逆變,充電樁,無人機
3 交通領域:車載逆變器,汽車HID安定器,電動自動車
4 綠色照明領域:CCFL節能燈。 LED照明電源,金鹵燈鎮流器