Zenite ? LCP,是由Dupont(杜邦)生產,廣泛用于電子電氣、通訊、汽車工業,航空航天。東莞安潤塑膠原料公司,代理Dupont, Sabic工程塑料,DSM,Rhodia,等知名工程塑料。魏先生13829195018,
Zenite 6330: A 30%MR LCP having excellent toughness and a heat deflection temperature of 245癈。
Zenite 6635: A 40% glass/mineral reinforced liquid crystal polymer resin having excellent flow and weldline strength。
Zenite 7244 : A 40% glass/mineral reinforced liquid crystal polymer resin with a high heat deflection temperature of 295癈 and good flatness。
Zenite ZE55201: A 50% glass/mineral reinforced, black liquid crystal polymer resin designed for ultra flatness。
Zenite ZE16401 : A 5% PTFE and 30% mineral reinforced low wear and low friction liquid crystal polymer resin。
Zenite FG6330: A 30% MR,LCP with FDA approval for use in repeated food-contact applications。