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大連錦綸(NY66)縫紉線 相關信息由 大連鴛鴦線業有限公司提供。如需了解更詳細的 大連錦綸(NY66)縫紉線 的信息,請點擊 http://www.zgmflm.cn/b2b/wonang.html 查看 大連鴛鴦線業有限公司 的詳細聯系方式。



鴛鴦線業經過30多年的規模經營,最終確定了全球化的發展戰略,于2003年在中國青島和大連建立了高品質縫紉線的合股、加捻、染色生產基地。全套引進{jd0}生產設備,采用韓國先進技術,企業已通過ISO9001:2000 質量體系認證,瑞士信心紡織品Oeko-Tex Standard 100認證。主要產品有WONANG(鴛鴦)縫紉線系列:滌綸短纖縫紉線、尼龍長纖縫紉線、錦綸(NY66)縫紉線、滌綸包芯線等;ROCKY(瑞奇)滌綸長纖(高強)縫紉線系列;ARTFIL(阿特菲爾)滌綸繡花線系列、邦迪線等7大類40余種系列產品,年生產能力達2000噸以上。分別在北京、上海、大連等地設立經銷公司,長期供應婷美、黛安芬、維納斯、NIKE、迪卡儂、ESPRIT等zmpp。執行國際質量管理標準,wq滿足客戶的個性要求,是服裝、鞋帽、箱包、皮革、家私制品等行業的{sx}縫紉線供應商和親密的合作伙伴。  鴛鴦線業自成立以來不斷強化技術隊伍和建立完善的管理體系,堅持“以服務立信譽,以質量求發展”的經營策略,實現{gx}快捷的生產、存儲、銷售、配送服務流程。憑籍精益求精的產品品質,極具競爭力的市場售價,完善的售后服務,從容面對激烈的市場競爭,使我們的客戶贏得良好的經濟效益和社會效益。  Company profile WONANG sewing thread company has fixed its development strategy of globalization finally after 30 years of the scale of operation. In 2003, WONANG established its high-quality sewing thread of twisting and dyeing production base in Qingdao and Dalian. By importing a full set of advanced production equipment and advanced technology from South Korea, our enterprise has passed ISO9001: 2000 quality system certification and Switzerland confidence in the textile Oeko-Tex Standard 100 certification. The main products of WONANG (yuanyang) sewing thread series are: Polyester staple fiber, nylon filament and nylon (NY66), polyester Core lines; ROCKY (ruiqi) polyester filament sewing thread series; ARTFIL (a-tefeier) Polyester Embroidery threads series, Bundy lines and so on. It has seven major categories which includes more than 40 kinds of products. The annual production capacity has reached to 2,000 tons or more. In Beijing, Shanghai, Dalian and other places, we set up our distribution companies and has become a long-term supplier of Tingmei, Triumph, Venus, NIKE, Decathlon, ESPRIT, and other well-known brands. We run our enterprise according to international quality management standards and fully meet the unique requirements of individual customers. We are really first choice and reliable supplier of any partners who engaged on the industry of clothing, footwear, luggage, leather, furniture and other products. WONANG sewing thread company always insists on strengthening its technical team since the establishment of the company and has established a sound management system as well. We adhere to the business strategy of “credibility of legislation to service, quality and development” to realize an effective and efficient production, storage, sale, distribution service processes. Rely on improving product quality, highly competitive market price and in time after-sales service, we face the fierce market competition calmly and win for all our customers good economic returns and social benefits. 服務流程 業務洽談多元化 可通過電話、網絡、傳真、信函等方式聯系我們的銷售部門,通過聆聽客戶的專業需求,提供不同的產 品和服務解決方案。 訂貨合同可控化 訂貨合同的確認包括縫紉線的種類、型號、數量、顏色、交貨期、結算方式等。首先,我們會根據客戶 提供的色樣進行前期打樣測試,只有經過客戶確認后才可批量生產。 生產流程數字化 公司研發了一套完整的縫紉線行業的生產、銷售、行政管理的軟件,整個生產流程都可有完善的監控系 統,確保每道環節都按標準化執行,以保證產品的質量及生產流程的{gx}率。 客戶回訪經常化 為更好的服務我們的客戶,我們的銷售人員、工藝人員會經常性拜訪您的工廠,根據線縫工藝方面提出的 多種不同的建議,不斷改善服務質量,如色彩設計、成本核算、存貨計劃和后勤支援等方面,提供有價 值的訊息咨詢。 The process of service delivery 1. Diversified business negotiations: By telephone, Internet, fax, letter and other ways to contact our sales department, through listening to the professional customer needs, provide different products and services solutions. 2. Controllable ordering of the contract: The Order of the contract, including sewing threads’ type, model, quantity, color, delivery, billing methods and so on. First of all, we will provide the color-proofing test and the production will be made only after we get the confirmation of our clients. 3. Digital processes of production: Our company has developed a complete set of sewing thread industry production, marketing, administration and management software. The entire production process can be a sound monitoring system to ensure that every link is working according to standardized implementation. Then we can also ensure the quality of products and production processes of high-efficiency. 4. Regular return visit to customers: To serve our customers better, our sales staff, technical staff will regularly visit your factories. They will provide different proposals on the arts of sewing line. We will continue to improve our service level, such as color design, cost accounting, inventory plan and logistical support. We will try our best to provide the most valuable information for all our customers.
詳細信息 我也要發布信息到此頁面

Nylon(NY66) Sewing Thread
Using of multi- shares, soft and flexible nylon (NY66) as raw materials, it’s made by unique processing technology of production and has qualities of good flexibility, wearable, strong light proofness, high-strength capability of sewing and anti-humid, soft, docile, full-color, high color fastness and flatness of commissure. It’s specialized thread for underwear.

NY66 100D/2  3000M   15元/支  內衣、胸罩、塑身衣等  Underwear, bras,

鄭重聲明:產品 【大連錦綸(NY66)縫紉線】由 大連鴛鴦線業有限公司 發布,版權歸原作者及其所在單位,其原創性以及文中陳述文字和內容未經(企業庫www.zgmflm.cn)證實,請讀者僅作參考,并請自行核實相關內容。若本文有侵犯到您的版權, 請你提供相關證明及申請并與我們聯系(qiyeku # qq.com)或【在線投訴】,我們審核后將會盡快處理。
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