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北京夜視儀專賣店 育蘭yukon NV EXELON 3x50 準2+單簡紅外線夜視儀 現貨供應.

北京夜視儀專賣店 育蘭yukon NV EXELON 3x50 準2+單簡紅外線夜視儀 現貨供應. 相關信息由 北京市中視互聯電子商務有限公司提供。如需了解更詳細的 北京夜視儀專賣店 育蘭yukon NV EXELON 3x50 準2+單簡紅外線夜視儀 現貨供應. 的信息,請點擊 http://www.zgmflm.cn/b2b/ityeshi1.html 查看 北京市中視互聯電子商務有限公司 的詳細聯系方式。



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北京夜視儀專賣店 育蘭yukon NV EXELON 3x50 準2+ 單簡紅外線夜視儀 現貨供應.
中視互聯IT88網上商城 電話:010-5166 4988 (歡迎登錄網站查看或電話詢問、獲取{zx1}價格)
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Yukon night vision scope exelon 3x50
白俄羅斯 NV EXELON 3x50 準(2+)單簡紅外線夜視儀

高級(EXELON)3x50功能有增強使用的特點。組合一個超一代攝象管和一個50毫米口徑的物鏡,在整個目鏡的屏幕上,提供了無失真的,jq的幾何圖像。該超一代攝象管的亮度增益比為1200,基本上超過了同等價值的一代管。這一特性給了高級3x50一個偉大的觀賞范圍和高程度的詳細識別的觀察對象。在野戰條件(自然夜間照明為0.05勒克司)該股可以探測物體的距離可達500米,并承認識別距離是在230- 270米。 寬視場角度恰如其分地描述了高級3x50作為一個單眼適合觀測移動的物體。隨著優良的人體工程學,高級3x50可以很容易運輸和wm的使用在苛刻的條件下開展的(狩獵,捕魚,及遠足) ,以及作為自然保育用途。加上各種配件(紅外線手電筒,照片和視頻適配器) ,高級3x50不僅是一個觀測裝置,也是一種極好的圖象記錄的工具。

白俄羅斯 NV EXELON 3x50 準(2+)單簡紅外線夜視儀細


TY-NV10 (24101)
攝象管 Super Gen 1+
分辨率 (min),lp/mm 40lp/mm typical
偵察距離 ,m (1/4月光0.05lux)
500m  @ 人大小的目標
識別距離,m (1/4月光0.05lux) 250m  @ 人大小的目標
放大倍率, x 3 x
視場角,度 13°
棱鏡系統 50mm
焦距,米 1m to ∞
屈光度 -5D to +5D
電池電壓 3V (CR123A)
電池連續工作時間 (with / without IR),hours 8/50
三角架接型號 ,inch 1/4 (2個)
防護等級 IPX4
-30°C to +40°C
產品尺寸,mm 198x87x60

0.5 kg
1 year
Exelon 3x50
Sku # 24101
The EXELON 3x50 features enhanced operating characteristics. Combination of a CF-Super tube and a high-aperture 50mm R-Contact objective lens provides a distortion free, crisp and geometrically precise image on the entire surface of the screen. The CF-Super light amplification ratio of 1200 essentially exceeds a similar value of the gen. 1 tube. This feature gives the EXELON 3x50 a great viewing range and high degree of detailed recognition of observed objects. In field conditions (under natural night illumination of 0.05 lux) the unit can detect objects at a distance of up to 500 meters, and recognize them within a 230-270m. range. Wide field of view perfectly describes the EXELON 3x50 as a monocular ideally suited for observing moving objects. Along with fine ergonomics, the EXELON 3x50 can be easily transported and is perfect for use in harsh field conditions (hunting, fishing, and hiking) as well as for nature preservation purposes. Coupled with various accessories (IR flashlight, photo and video adapters), the EXELON 3x50 is not merely an observation device, but also an excellent means for image recording.

CF-Super Tube
overview_electronics_and_perfomance.jpg Due to the spherical shape of the tube’s photo cathode, the device produces enhanced resolution on the entire surface of the screen, measuring from 42 lines/mm in the centre to 32 lines/mm on the edge.
Optical Arrangement
Yukon night vision scope exelon 3x50 Combination of the tube and R-Contact 50mm objective lens of the provides crisp and geometrically precise image without distortion even in the peripheral areas of the tube’s screen.

北京夜視儀專賣店 育蘭yukon NV EXELON 3x50 準2+ 單簡紅外線夜視儀 現貨供應.
中視互聯IT88網上商城 電話:010-5166 4988 (歡迎登錄網站查看或電話詢問、獲取{zx1}價格)
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