型 號:屏風組合辦公臺
規 格:根據您的需求訂做
顏 色:選色待選,提供色板選擇。(選顏色請參照色卡中心)
材 質:貼面材料可選麻絨布、耐火板、塑膠板、鋼板等,鋁合金框架,鋁材表面經氧化處理;桌面板選用 25mm優質MFC板,經防污、防火、防潮、耐磨處理。美觀大方、面料豐富,封本色PVC直邊;配合寬 大的空間,給人的總體感覺是極度氣派與舒適。
Product Description
Model: Screen Combination Office Desk
Specifications: customized according to your needs
Color: Select color to be elected to provide Color choices. (Select Color Please refer to color card Center)
Material: veneer materials, optional linen cloth, Laminate, plastic plates, steel plates, etc., aluminum alloy frame, aluminum surface by oxidation treatment; desktop board 25mm high-quality selection of MFC board, after anti-pollution, fire, moisture, abrasion treatment. Beautiful and generous, rich fabrics, sealing qualities of PVC straight edge; with generous space, gives the overall feeling is of extreme style and comfort.