上海國逸氣動成套廠是原上海氣動成套廠解體后從新組建的單位 ,專業生產氣動液壓成套設備、氣動元件、增壓缸、氣液轉換器、除塵脈沖閥、電磁閥、氣缸、油缸、冶金設備、各種壓力測試臺。
本廠有雄厚的技術,精良工藝,先進設備,檢測手段完備,長期與鐵道科學院,冶金設計院,船舶設計院,除塵設備廠、減壓器廠等單位配備生產各種產品,在用戶中獲得了優良信譽,本企業2005年已過ISO9001認證 。
Shanghai States Yat aerodynamic package plant is the original aerodynamic package plant in Shanghai after the breakup of the formation of the new units, specializing in the production of complete sets of equipment Qidongyeya, pneumatic components, pressurized cylinder, gas-liquid conversion, dust pulse valve, solenoid valves, Cylinders, fuel tanks, metallurgical equipment, all kinds of pressure on the test bench. The factory has strong technical, sophisticated technology, advanced equipment, detection means comprehensive, long-term and Railway Academy of Sciences, m