1 材料:低碳鋼絲,不銹鋼絲,鋁鎂合金絲。
2 編織:編織焊接而成。
3 用途:主要用于高速公路,鐵路,橋梁兩側的防護帶;機場,碼頭,巷口的安全防護;市政建設中的公園,草坪,動物園,湖池,道路及住宅區的隔離和防護;賓館,酒店,超市,娛樂場所的防護與裝飾。規格多樣,可根據客戶的需求加工訂做。。
4 產品特點:防腐、防老化、抗曬、耐候等特點。防腐形式有電鍍、熱鍍、噴塑、浸塑。
金屬護網:護攔網 圍攔網 隔離柵 網片、鉤花網、刺繩。
The guardrail covers
1 material as with a net: Mild steel wire , stainless steel silk , aluminium magnesium alloy silk.
2 weaves: Solder but become plexure.
3 use: Be used for the protection belt on both side of the expresshighway , railroad , bridge mainly; The airport , dock , the Xiang Kou safety protect; Park in municipal construction , lawn , zoo , lake pool, and the road and the residential district isolation protecting; Guesthouse , hotel , supermarket , place of recreation protection and decoration. Specification is various, but the need treating according to the customer books compose. .
4 product characteristics: