插頭電源線綜合測試機(又叫電源線綜合測試機,插頭綜合測試機)符合[1] IEC/EN60884-1, IEC/EN 60320-1, IEC/EN60799, EN50075, DINVDE0620-1, DINVDE 0625-1, BS1363, B 546, BS4573, BS4491, NFC61-314-2010, SEV1011:09, SEV6533, SEV6534, SI32, CEI23-50,UL498, UL817-2011, CSAC22.2,GB1002, GB2099, GB17465, GB15934, JISC8303, JISC8306, CNS10917:1985, CNS690, IS1293, KSC8305, TIS166-2549, GOSTR51322.1, MS589, SS145-1997, SS472, SB107-2-D1,CS0017:2003, CS0052-1:2006, TCVN6188,TCVN 6190,TCVN6610,NBR14136, NBR6147, AS/NZS3112-2012, AS/NZS 3109.1, IRAM2063, IRAM2073, SABS164-1, SABS60799, SB107-2-D1,PNS35等標準要求
Power Cord Comprehensive Tester (Cord Sets Comprehensive Tester,Power Plug Integrated Tester, Multiple Socket-outlet Tester) is designed and manufactured in compliance with IEC/EN60884-1, 60320-1, 60799, EN50075, DIN VDE 0620-1, 0625-1, BS 1363-1, 546, 4573, 4491-1, SEV 1011, SEV 6533, 6534, SI 32, CEI 23-50,UL498, UL817, CSA C22.2,GB1002, 2099.1, 17465.1, 15934, JIS C8303, 8306, CNS 10917-2, IS 1293, KS C8305, TIS 166-2549, GOST R51322.1, MS 589, SS145/A, 472, SB107-2-D1 , CS 0017, NBR14136, 6147, AS/NZS 3112, 3109.1, IRAM 2063, 2073, SABS 164-1, 60799, etc. And suitable for electrical testing items of power cord with connector and without connector, 2 core wire and 3 core wire and so on.
RH-102D 30工位觸摸式人機界面綜合測試機(雙頭30工位)西思特
RH-102D 30工位觸摸式人機界面綜合測試機(雙頭30工位)西思特圖冊
本著安全、可靠、穩定、效率、創新的開發和制造理念,本司產品外觀美觀,布局合理,中英文對照操作方便,核心部件全系進口(PLC可編程邏輯控制器, 接觸器Contactor、繼電器Relay、氣缸Cylinder,人機對話Man-machine conversation等),其它部件采用國內外大廠,同時積極參考電業公司的意見,設計更人性化和實用方便。 西思特插頭綜合測試機是被全球知名公司(如HP,Dell, Sony等)認可的四家專業廠家之一,且是中國{wy}一家。也是國內{wy}wq能被鎰勝(I-Sheng)、良維(Longwell)、怡富萬(Linetek)、豪利士(Volex)、領亞(Linoya)、正威(Awin)、周氏(Chau's)、博碩(ASAP)、富士康(Foxconn)等知名電業公司認可的專業廠家,更是眾多電業公司{sx}和認證機構(UL,VDE, CCC, BSI等)推薦的專業廠家。
RH-102B 30工位綜合測試機(雙頭30工位)西思特
RH-102D 30工位觸摸式人機界面綜合測試機(雙頭30工位)西思特
RH-103 雙頭單工位綜合測試機(用于雙頭測試,其它型號RH-103C/RH-103D)
RH-105 30工位綜合測試機(雙頭30工位,ASAT/BSI專用)西思特
RH-108 30工位綜合測試機(雙頭30工位)西思特
RH-109 單頭單工位綜合測試機(用于單頭測試)
技術規范Technical Specification
主要技術指標Main Technical Data
This is the general version of specification, the various models differ slightly.
1.輸入電源Input Power:220VAC±10%,50Hz/60Hz, 5A
2.接入氣壓Air pressure:約4kgf/cm3, About 4kgf/cm3
3.主控制系統Master control system:可編程邏輯控制系統,人機對話觸摸屏微電腦控制(依機型According to types)。PLC and the man-machine dialogue touch screen microcomputer control.
4.測試類型Test the power cord types:單頭(雙頭)2P有/無極性、單頭(雙頭)3P有極性,或依要求設計多芯測試機。Can test with/without polarity plugs and connectors (1 P, 1 P + 1 P (1S
or 1C), 1P + N P), Can also defer to the customer request design.
5.測試項目Test Items:導通(斷路、短路)、極性、相對長度、絕緣電阻、極間高壓、極外高壓、漏電流(接地電阻等可定制)。Polarity & Continuity test, Insulation Resistance, Interpolar Hi-pot & Skin Hi-pot, Leakage Current, Relative Length (grounding Resistance and so on can be customizable).
6.測試模式Test modes:腳踏開關控制,或插線自動測試。
The pedals switch control or insert the test sample for automatic test.
測試順序Test sequence:極性、導通(斷路/短路)、絕緣、內高壓、外高壓。
Polarity, Continuity (open and short circuit),Insulation Resistance, Interpolar Hi-pot & Skin Hi-pot.
7.導通,極性測試Continuity &Polarity test
測試原理Test principle:
a、感應式: 感應式測試線材長度Inductive test wire length≥10pF
b、回路式: 極性點擊有聲光訊號指示,錯位有聲光報警提示,需按復位鍵停止。Loop modes: polarity click give out sound and light signals instructions, dislocation has audio and light alarm prompt, need to press the reset button to stop.
測試結果類型Test result modes:
a、導通不合格,百分表不能達到合格點,聲光報警。Continuity is NG, indicator can't achieve qualified point, give out sound and light alarm.
b、其他不合格,自動鎖模且有聲光報警提示,需手動復位。The other is NG, automatic locking and has sound and light alarm prompt, need to manually reset button.
合格/不良品自動計數,合格自動開模頂出打印合格標記。Qualified products and unqualified automatically counting, passed automatic unlocking push out and print qualified marks.
8. 高壓測試Hi-pot Test :
a. 輸出電壓Interpolar Hi-pot: 0~5KV連續可調Continuous adjustable (According to types).
b. 內輸出高壓漏電流Interpolar Hi-pot leakage current: 依機型0.5、1.0、2.0、3.0、5.0mA選擇或0.5~10mA連續可調。According to the modes choose 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 5.0mA or 0.5~10mA (According to types) continuous adjustable.
c. 外輸出電壓Skin Hi-pot: 0~6KV連續可調Continuous adjustable (According to type).
d. 外輸出高壓漏電流Skin Hi-pot leakage current: 依機型0.5、1.0、2.0、3.0、5.0mA選擇或0.5~10mA連續可調。According to the modes choose 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 5.0mA or 0.5~10mA (According to types) continuous adjustable.
e. 額定功率Rated power: 200~750VA (According to types).
f. 波形Waveform: 50/60Hz,交流正弦波AC sine wave.
g.電壓校準Voltage calibration: ±5%
h.開關Switch: 零電平轉換Zero-level conversion
i.測試時間Test time: 數字顯示,預置式,內外高壓可任意設定。Digital display, preset modes, inside and outside Hi-pot can be arbitrarily set.
j.高壓指示表Hi-pot pressure indicator:
比例Proportion 1:50
級別Class: 1.5 Class
k.判斷精度Judgment precision: ±3% 現在設定值Present setting values.
l.高壓失敗判斷Hi-pot fail judgment: 判斷Judging *測量值比基準值大Measured value larger than t he basic value;
*切斷輸出電壓給出失敗信號The cut-off output voltage and give out the fail signal.
m.漏電流設定值Leakage current value : 依機型0.5、1.0、2.0、3.0、5.0mA選擇或0.5~10mA連續可調。According
to the modes choose 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 5.0mA or 0.5~10mA (According to types) continuous adjustable.
n.判斷jq度Judgment precision ±3% 現在設定值Present setting values.
o.校準Calibration 純電阻負載串聯RMS,真值表測試。Pure resistance loading series connection RMS, true value table
10. 絕緣電阻Insulation resistance
輸出電壓Output voltage: 500V DC
電壓校準Voltage calibration : ±5%
基準值設定Reference value setting: 5 MΩ/100MΩ,可定制Customizable.
判斷Judging: 被測物測量值比設定基準值小,給出失敗IN信號。Measured value smaller than the basic value and give out the fail signal.
判斷jq度Judgment precision: ±5%
指示表Indicator:(0~100 MΩ)±5%
測量范圍Measurement range: 0~∞
絕緣測試體Insulation testing body: 導電海棉conductive sponge.
相對長度Relative length: 線材感應度Wire sensitivity,
感應式測試線材長度。Inductive test wire length≥10pF.
11.頂針thimble: 測試合格標記Test qualified marks, 分冷頂出和加熱頂出,溫度可設定,打印測試合格標記。Has ordinary push out and heats up push out two modes, the temperature can be set, print a test qualified marks.
12.計數功能Tally function
自動計數器Automatic counter: 合格品、不良品自動計數。Qualified products and unqualified automatically counting.
13.安全防護 Safety protection
觸電防護Electric shock protection 地線接地保護,保障人身安全,本機器已加裝,自行接地即可。
The earth grounding protection, safeguards the personal safety,
The machine has installed, only need grounding.
機身尺寸Machine size, 依各型號According to types.
特別要求或選配Special requirements or Optional
a、可據客戶需求安裝不良品自動破壞切刀;Can be install unqualified automatic destroying cutting knife.
b、可依客戶需求選配不同類型插頭,連接器測試插座; According to demand choose a variety of plug and connector test special socket。西思特www.cestr
c、可依客戶需求加裝其它功能。Other functions can be custom installed.