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Coca-Cola可口可樂驗廠咨詢_上海明格專業(yè)提供({bfb}通過) 相關信息由 上海明格企業(yè)管理咨詢有限公司提供。如需了解更詳細的 Coca-Cola可口可樂驗廠咨詢_上海明格專業(yè)提供({bfb}通過) 的信息,請點擊 http://www.zgmflm.cn/b2b/mgsa8000.html 查看 上海明格企業(yè)管理咨詢有限公司 的詳細聯(lián)系方式。



        咨詢服務范圍包括人權、品質、反恐三個方面,客戶遍及華東、華南、華北等地區(qū)。幫助數(shù) 千家工廠通過一般<strong>http://mgsa8000.cn.qiyeku.com</strong>(如
詳細信息 我也要發(fā)布信息到此頁面
Health and Safety(健康與安全)
Item no Requirement Yes/No/NA Comments
Does the factory have a copy of valid laws and regulation on health and safety or understand its requirements?   法律文本?
3.2 Is written health and safety policy posted and signed by top management?   有無健康安全政策貼在現(xiàn)場?
3.3 Is safety committee established with members representing the various shifts, functions and levels?     有無安全委員會?該委員會應有不同班次,不同崗位,不同層次的人員參加。
3.4 Is a senior management representative for health & safety appointed? If yes please specify the title.   有無健康安全代表?
3.5 Does the factory arrange health and safety training for new workers?    有無健康安全培訓?
3.6 Are training and awareness programs on health and safety arranged regularly for all workers?     
3.7 Are accidents reported and recorded?   有無事故記錄?
3.8 Does the factory keep injury / illness records such as daily injury and illness log, injury statistics, illnesses report or any other safety statistics?    
3.9 Are corrective actions taken to prevent recurrence of work related accidents?    
3.10 Does the factory have valid fire inspection certificates issued by local fire service authority?   消防驗收報告?
3.11 Does the factory have adequate number of fire extinguishers at each factory floor?     
3.12 Are all fire extinguishers inspected and tested regularly and ready to use at all times?   消防器材是否定期檢查?
3.13 Is an effective fire extinguishing system i.e. fire hydrant/fire hose or sprinkler installed at each factory floor and maintained properly?      
3.14 Are all fire extinguishing systems inspected and maintained properly?    
3.15 Is fire and hazard early warning system such as smoke detector installed and regularly tested?    
3.16 Are fire drills conducted regularly at least once a year? When and how?   消防演習?
3.17 Are fire exits and escape routes adequate at each factory floor?    
3.18 Is any fire exit and escape route blocked or locked? Is any slide door used at the factory?    
3.19 Are exits and fire exits identified with sign or indicator lamps?    
3.20 Are adequate emergency lights installed at each factory floor?    
3.21 Is the factory no more than 5 minutes away by fire engine from nearest fire station?   最近的消防站離廠區(qū)在5分鐘內能到嗎?
3.22 Did any fire accident take place in the past 12 months at the factory?   12個月內發(fā)生過火災嗎?
3.23 Does the factory have valid inspection certificates for boilers, elevators, pressure vessels and other equipment per local regulation?   鍋爐、電梯、壓力容器證書?
3.24 Are the operators of above-mentioned equipment trained and qualified per local regulation?   鍋爐、電梯、壓力容器操作員證書?
3.25 Are adequate guarding or devices installed for moving/rotating parts of machine, pulleys and belts or any other dangerous parts of machines?   設備安全保護裝置合適嗎?
3.26 Is any instruction emphasized to prohibit loose clothing, jewellery or long hair near moving machinery?   有無設備操作規(guī)程?員工保護指引:如不帶首飾,長發(fā)應盤起來等等。
3.27 Are all electricians, welding operators and forklift drivers etc. trained and qualified per local regulations?    電工,叉車工、電焊工證書?
3.28 Is electrical safety procedures implemented effectively to ensure safety precautions such as grounding, discharging, and testing to be taken?   用電指引?
3.29 Are all the electrical wires installed in fully acceptable condition and adequately protected?    
3.30 Are electrical installations are checked periodically and repairs carried out by competent electrician?     
3.31 Is hot work permit procedure implemented for welding, cutting and open flame operation at the factory?   熱操作規(guī)程?
3.32 Are all site buildings maintained in good condition in both physical surface and structure?    
3.33 Are dangerous/hazardous substances used or stored at the factory?    化學品存放安全?
3.34 Are these substances safely and securely stored?    
3.35 Are administration and engineering controls (reduced shift hours, ventilation fans and exhaust fans) introduced to reduce personal exposure?    
3.36 Are personal protective equipment (PPE) such as goggles, glasses, gloves, earplug / muff, boots, or protective clothing provided at factory cost and in fully acceptable condition?    PPE
3.37 Is air quality test done if hazardous fumes existed?   空氣測試?
3.38 Does the factory have a suitable working environment in respect of ventilation, temperature, lighting, cleanliness, and tidiness (overcrowding)?    
3.39 Does the factory arrange regular health examination for workers exposed to hazardous environment?   危害工位員工是否定期體檢?
3.40 Are there adequate evidences confirming that the workers’ health is not affected by hazardous factors?    
3.41 Does the factory have any occupational health inspection certificate issued by local government authority?    
3.42 Are adequate first aid kits located at each factory floor and marked with signs?   急救設備?
3.43 Are adequate workers trained on first aid? How many trained first aiders at the factory?   急救人員?
3.44 Is an in-house clinic/first aid station established with competent doctor/first aider employed at the factory?   急救站?
3.45 Is a nearby medical centre/hospital/clinic available to factory?    
3.46 Is potable water accessible and adequate at each factory floor?     
3.47 Are lavatory facilities accessible, clean and reasonable in number at each factory floor? Does it meet local requirements?    
3.48 Toilets are private and segregated for men and women?    
3.49 Are washbasins and water taps available? Adequate?    
3.50 Are the factory kitchen and canteen clean and hygienic with adequate facilities?    
3.51 Are kitchen and canteen subject to local government licensing? If yes, does the factory have such a permit or license?    
3.52 Are adequate evidences identified that workers working in kitchen are suitable to food service? Such as health examination. 
3.53 Is there any food safety program established to ensure all the food and stuffs purchased from reliable sources?    
3.54 Is any pest control program established and implemented effec, tively?    
3.55 What is the average dormitory space per worker? How many workers per room? Does it meet with local norms and standards?    
3.56 Is there adequate living space for each worker and meet the requirements of relevant local regulations?    
3.57 Are recreation areas available at the factory?    
3.58 Are kitchen, laundry facilities available in dormitory?    
3.59 Is there an adequate supply of sanitary drinking water available to workers at adequate distance at dormitory?    
3.60 Are there adequate toilets with hand basins available to workers at adequate distance at dormitory?    
3.61 Are there adequate bathrooms available to workers at dormitory?    
3.62 Are sanitary areas clean and hygienic with available washing facilities?     
3.63 Are the dormitory clean, safe and well lit?    
3.64 Are workers free to exit & re-enter dormitory freely? Are any curfew hours set?    
3.65 Are adequate security measures provided to protect workers at dormitory?    
3.66 Do the dormitory buildings appear structurally sound and in acceptable repair?    
3.67 Are dormitory exits unblocked and unlocked for emergency evacuation?    
3.68 Are written dormitory rules posted?  (if yes please attach copy)    
3.69 Are fire emergency evacuation plans posted at dormitory and understood by all workers?     
3.70 Is any worker’s dormitory located in the building of production and/or warehouse?
鄭重聲明:產品 【Coca-Cola可口可樂驗廠咨詢_上海明格專業(yè)提供({bfb}通過)】由 上海明格企業(yè)管理咨詢有限公司 發(fā)布,版權歸原作者及其所在單位,其原創(chuàng)性以及文中陳述文字和內容未經(企業(yè)庫www.zgmflm.cn)證實,請讀者僅作參考,并請自行核實相關內容。若本文有侵犯到您的版權, 請你提供相關證明及申請并與我們聯(lián)系(qiyeku # qq.com)或【在線投訴】,我們審核后將會盡快處理。
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