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1746-P2 相關信息由 廈門光沃自動化設備有限公司提供。如需了解更詳細的 1746-P2 的信息,請點擊 http://www.zgmflm.cn/b2b/xmgwoy88.html 查看 廈門光沃自動化設備有限公司 的詳細聯系方式。



廈門光沃自動化設備有限公司是一家專業從事大型進口系統(集散式控制系統、可編程控制器、冗余容錯控制系統、機器人系統)備件銷售。主營品牌Allen-Bradley,Schneider,ABB,Siemens,GE Fanuc等進口自動化系統備件銷售及系統集成的高新技術企業,在公司全體員工的努力及廣大客戶和業界同仁支持之下,公司業務迅速拓展,業務范圍遍及華東、華南、華北、西南等全國各地,迅速成為自動化行業的后起之秀,公司以“為客戶創造價值是我們永遠追求的目標”為宗旨,本著“質量保證,誠信服務,及時到位”的做事態度長期以往的服務于每一位新老客戶。在此,感謝新老客戶的長期支持,因為您的關注我們將更加專注。
詳細信息 我也要發布信息到此頁面




AB  系列 模塊,控制器,伺服,電機,觸摸屏  PLC系列。
GE  模塊,控制器   系列。
施耐德:(140系列)CPU PLC

《QQ  :2479261344》

replacement solution) 5
5A28137G04 Cable Cable 1
5D32022G01 Panel Cluster Tap Panel Hwy Trans sub assys in Cluster Tap Panel 2
5D32024G01 RTP Assy RTP Bracket Assy w/ 4256A08G02 3RTP6 8
5D32025G04 Ethernet TAP Ethernet TAP 4
5D32035G02 Panel Cluster TAP Panel w/ 1ea 4256A08G02 3RTP6 card 1
5D32046G02 Drive VME Hard Drive Assy w/ 1.3GB Disk 2
5D32052G01 VME Assy VME Assy MMI Kit Assy w/ SHC card 2
5D32052G05 VME Frame WEStation Std 3A99678G21 2
5D32078G03 CPU Adpater Solflower SF VME-300 3
5D32078G04 CPU Adpater Solflower SF VME-300 7
5D32078G07 CPU Adpater Solflower SF VME-300 1
5D32083G02 Drive Assy VME Disk Assy w/ 2ea 2GB drives 0
5D32083G04 Drive Assy VME Disk Assy w/ 2ea 4GB Seagate ST15150N drives 1
5D32083G05 Drive Assy
VME Disk Assy WDE 4360, Seagate ST12400N, and Exabyte
5D32046G02 Drive Assy VME Disk Assy 1.3GB Disk Assy (w/ Fugitsu drive) 4
5D32046G08 Drive Assy VME Disk Assy 1.3GB Disk Assy (w/ Quantum 1225S drive) 3
5D32046G09 Drive Assy
VME Disk Assy 5.2GB Disk Assy (w/ 4ea Quantum 1225S
drives) 1
5D32052G01 VME Card Cage VME Card Frame (on inside, side of chassis) 4
5D32052G05 VME Card Cage VME Card Frame (on inside, side of chassis) 3
5D32114G01 Chassis Dual card racks of 386 WEStation DPU 18
5D32115G01 Cabinet I/O Quad Cabinet - 486 WEStation DPU 4
5D32122G02 Chassis
Top bar w/ cables on 386 WEStation DPU (on 5D32114G01
Chassis) 22
5D32123G01 Panel AC/DC Power Distribution Panel 3
5D32123G02 Panel AC/DC Power Distribution Panel 10
5D32123G03 Panel AC/DC Power Distribution Panel 1
5D32149G01 Chassis 486 WEStation DPU card cage 34
5D32161G01 Chassis 486 WEStation DPU chassis assy 28
5D32161G02 Chassis 486 WEStation DPU chassis assy 20
5D32191G01 Power Supply
MultiBus P/S MPS512-PFC for 486 WS DPU w/ 3A99116G01
MDPS 115VAC 85
5D32191G02 Power Supply
MultiBus P/S MPS512-PFC for 486 WS DPU w/ 3A99116G01
MDPS 230VAC 74
5D92481G06 Power Supply HC Power Inc HS1244-C1353 0
5D92830G01 Relay Panel Form C, KUEP, 16 fuses (for H/S assembly) 8
5D92848G01 Transceiver
Ethernet 10Mbit/sec Transceiver unit (MAU) - Ethernet Tap
Bracket Assy 20
5X00006H12 Cartridge Travan 20GB Tape Cartridge 3
5X00058G01 Analog Module Ovation Hart Analog Output Module 1
5X00059G01 Analog Module Ovation Hart Analog Input Module 1
5X00062G01 Analog Module Ovation Hart Analog Output Module 1
5X00063G01 Analog Module Ovation Hart Analog Output Module 1
5X00082H12 Cartridge Sony 1/2 Data Cartridge 4
5X00105G01 Board Ovation Control Board 2
5X00117H02 Keyboard SUN UNIX (US) Type 6 Keyboard and Mouse 5
5X00117H03 Keyboard SUN USB Type 6 Keyboard and Mouse 5
5X00117H04 Memory 256MB DRAM Expansion For Sun Blade 100 5
5X00117H06 Drive Hard Disk 20GB EIDE for Sun Blade 100 5
5X00128G01 Monitor 22/20" NEC CRT (20.1" LCD replacement solution) 5
5X00134G01 Sun Workstation
SUN Microsystems Blade 100 (configured to customer spec w/
or w/o PGI) 5
5X00134G02 Sun Workstation
SUN Microsystems Blade 150 (configured to customer spec w/
or w/o PGI) 5
5X00178G01 Monitor 20.1" LCD Monitor 5
1P00049G01 2QOL QOL G01 card 2
5X00286H13 Mouse 2-button Optical corded USB mouse 1
5X00290G01 Monitor 21/20" NEC CRT (20.1" LCD replacement solution) 5
7379A06G82 2QCI13 QCI G02 Contact Closure Input card 1
7379A06G02 3QCI1 QCI G02 Contact Closure Input card 1
7379A06G02 3QCI3 QCI G02 Contact Closure Input card 1
7379A06G02 4QCI2 QCI G02 Contact Closure Input card 42
7379A06G02 4QCI3 QCI G02 Contact Closure Input card 2
7379A06G02 4QCI4 QCI G02 Contact Closure Input card 15
3A99160G02 6QCI1 QCI G02 Contact Closure Input card 114
7379A13G01 QPA QPA G01 Pulse Accumulator card 0
7379A13G04 6QPA8 QPA G04 Pulse Accumulator card 48V sub Y 4
7379A21G01 5QAV4 QAV G01 Analog Input Point card - -5 to +20mVDC, 500ohm 1
7379A21G01 5QAV9 QAV G01 Analog Input Point card - -5 to +20mVDC, 500ohm 1
7379A21G01 5QAV14 QAV G01 Analog Input Point card - -5 to +20mVDC, 500ohm 9
7379A21G01 5QAV19 QAV G01 Analog Input Point card - -5 to +20mVDC, 500ohm 10
7379A21G01 6QAV16 QAV G01 Analog Input Point card - -5 to +20mVDC, 500ohm 7
3A99164G01 8QAV1 QAV G01 Analog Input Point card - -5 to +20mVDC, 500ohm 7
7379A21G02 5QAV20 QAV G02 Analog Input Point card - -12.5 to +50mVDC, 500ohm 4
7379A21G02 6QAV12 QAV G02 Analog Input Point card - -12.5 to +50mVDC, 500ohm 18
7379A21G02 6QAV17 QAV G02 Analog Input Point card - -12.5 to +50mVDC, 500ohm 33
3A99164G02 8QAV2 QAV G02 Analog Input Point card - -12.5 to +50mVDC, 500ohm 75
3A99164G50 8QAV4 QAV G02 Analog Input Point card - -12.5 to +50mVDC, 500ohm 9
7379A21G03 5QAV21 QAV G03 Analog Input Point card - -25 to +100mVDC, 1Kohm 1
3A99164G50 8QAV4 QAV G03 Analog Input Point card - -25 to +100mVDC, 1Kohm 0
7379A28G02 4QAM6
QAM G02 Auto/Manual Stn Ctrlr card - 0 to +20mA, 0 to +5VDC
(output) 2
7379A28G02 4QAM7
QAM G02 Auto/Manual Stn Ctrlr card - 0 to +20mA, 0 to +5VDC
(output) 2
7379A29G01 3QDT1 QDT Diagnostic Test card 7
7379A29G01 3QDT1 QDT Diagnostic Test card w/ 4256A36G01 1QDTD1 daughter 3
7379A31G01 3QAW5 QAW G01 Analog High-Level Input Point card - 0 to +1VDC 3
7379A31G01 5QAW7 QAW G01 Analog High-Level Input Point card - 0 to +1VDC 1
/ 6QAW13 QAW G01 Analog High-Level Input Point card - 0 to +1VDC 0
7379A31G02 7QAW2 QAW G02 Analog High-Level Input Point card - 0 to +5VDC 1
7379A31G02 7QAW9 QAW G02 Analog High-Level Input Point card - 0 to +5VDC 11
7379A31G02 7QAW15 QAW G02 Analog High-Level Input Point card - 0 to +5VDC 3
3A99165G02 9QAW18 / 22 QAW G02 Analog High-Level Input Point card - 0 to +5VDC 4
3A99165G50 9QAW26 / 30 QAW G02 Analog High-Level Input Point card - 0 to +5VDC 3
3A99165G50 9QAW30 QAW G02 Analog High-Level Input Point card - 0 to +5VDC 2
7379A31G03 5QAW15 QAW G03 Analog High-Level Input Point card - 0 to +10VDC 2
7379A31G03 7QAW3 QAW G03 Analog High-Level Input Point card - 0 to +10VDC 1
3A99165G50 9QAW19 / 22
QAW G03 Analog High-Level IP card - 0 to +10VDC w/ 6ea
4QAXD6 G06 2
3A99165G50 9QAW27 / 30
QAW G03 Analog High-Level IP card - 0 to +10VDC w/ 6ea
4QAXD6 G06 2
7379A31G04 3QAW8 QAW G04 Analog High-Level Input Point card - 0 to +20mA 3
7379A31G04 5QAW10 QAW G04 Analog High-Level Input Point card - 0 to +20mA 1
7379A31G04 7QAW11 QAW G04 Analog High-Level Input Point card - 0 to +20mA 9
7379A31G04 7QAW17 QAW G04 Analog High-Level Input Point card - 0 to +20mA 3
/ G52 9QAW20 / 24
QAW G04 Analog High-Level IP card - 0 to +20mA w/ 6ea
4QAXD5 G05s 6
/ G52 9QAW32
QAW G04 Analog High-Level IP card - 0 to +20mA w/ 6ea
4QAXD5 G05s 1
3A99165G51 9QAW29
QAW G05 Analog High-Level Input Point card - 0 to +20mA
(self-powered) 1
3A99165G51 9QAW33 / 34
QAW G05 Analog High-Level Input Point card - 0 to +20mA
(self-powered) 4
7379A31G06 5QAW18 QAW G06 Analog High-Level Input Point card - 0 to +50mA 1
7379A31G06 7QAW19 QAW G06 Analog High-Level Input Point card - 0 to +50mA 1
7379A34G01 QMR QMR G01 card 0
7379A36G01 4QAH25 QAH G01 High-Speed Analog Input Point card - (+/-) 10VDC 1
7379A36G01 4QAH37
QAH G01 High-Speed Analog Input Point card - (+/-) 10VDC
Sub Q 1
7379A36G01 4QAH49 QAH G01 High-Speed Analog Input Point card - (+/-) 10VDC 1
7379A36G02 4QAH34 QAH G02 High-Speed Analog Input Point card - (+/-) 5VDC 1
7379A36G03 4QAH39 QAH G03 High-Speed Analog Input Point card - 0 to 10VDC 9
7379A36G04 QAH QAH G04 High-Speed Analog Input Point card - 0 to 5VDC 0
7379A39G03 QAE QAE G03 card 0
7379A47G04 QMA QMA G04 card 0
7379A62G01 2QRT9 QRT G01 RTD Input Amp card - 10mV 1
7379A62G01 2QRT9
QRT G01 RTD Input Amp card - 10mV w/ 4ea 2FILM
7379A90G06 RTD 1
7379A62G01 4QRT1 QRT G01 RTD Input Amp card - 10mV 1
7379A62G01 4QRT1
QRT G01 RTD Input Amp card - 10mV w/ 4ea 1DRE
7380A92G06 RTD 3
7379A62G01 4QRT1
QRT G01 RTD Input Amp card - 10mV w/ 3ea 1DRE
7380A92G06 RTD 1
7379A62G01 4QRT1
QRT G01 RTD Input Amp card - 10mV w/ 4ea 2FILM
7379A90G06 RTD 1
7379A62G01 4QRT2 QRT G01 RTD Input Amp card - 10mV 1
7379A62G01 4QRT2
QRT G01 RTD Input Amp card - 10mV w/ 1DRE 7380A92G06
daughters 1
7379A62G02 2QRT1 QRT G02 RTD Input Amp card - 33mV 1
7379A62G02 4QRT2 QRT G02 RTD Input Amp card - 33mV 1

鄭重聲明:產品 【1746-P2】由 廈門光沃自動化設備有限公司 發布,版權歸原作者及其所在單位,其原創性以及文中陳述文字和內容未經(企業庫www.zgmflm.cn)證實,請讀者僅作參考,并請自行核實相關內容。若本文有侵犯到您的版權, 請你提供相關證明及申請并與我們聯系(qiyeku # qq.com)或【在線投訴】,我們審核后將會盡快處理。
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